Monday, September 14, 2009

Coal Miners Daughter

I remember the first time I was introduced to "the coal miners daughter". I must've been 12 years old and my mother and I watched the movie with Sissy Spaseck. After I watched the movie I dove into her music and fell in love with this character. I thought of her as a character and not a real human being because I didn't know anyone that grew up like she did. She came from absolutely nothing...because of her will to sing and make music she became a living legend.

A few years ago I had the privelege of playing a role in the music review, "Honky Tonk Angels" written by a native to SC. My character's name was Darlen she was very much like Loretta. I played a coal miners daughter and sang many of Loretta's songs throughout the musical. It was an amazing adventure!

Last weekend my friend Allen and I went to see her in Spartanburg. It was more than surreal for me to see her in person....not only her, but her twin daughters, her son, and her grandaughter also performed in the show. She sang and bounced around in her chair...and even wore a sequence turquoise gown she made herself. It was magical....

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