Friday, June 20, 2008


Golly Miss Molly!

It feels like Dan and I have spent half of our marriage moving all over the state of SC. When I moved to SC I was in love and the only thing I knew was that I needed to be close to Dan. When we decided to get married and the ring was put on my finger I realized I really needed to be close to the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I wanted to be sure that I knew that I knew that I knew that I get my drift. I decided to pack up all of my belongings, well everything that would fit into my VW Beetle, and move down South to be near my man. I took a bundle of things to Goodwill that year (sigh*). My sister came along with me for support and we headed to SC on a full tank of gas and a prayer. Oh and by the stereo didn't work and I was too poor at the time to go get it fixed. There was A LOT of singing and retardedness going on in the can imagine.

Anyway since then Dan and I have made three more moves. You could say we are unstable. You could say we like variety. But I would say, we are just one of those couples that doesn't have a strong tie to one particular place. Now that we have a son we are starting to get a little more serious about a place to live....but right now it's just fun to try something on for size and then toss it when it gets old.

We are moving out of our cute little apartment next Saturday. I have loved living here. We had just enough room, we had a great pool, a work out facility, agggh. Anyway, since our little man has come into our lives that apartment is definitely cramped. Will has more toys and gadgets that an army of babies. So it's time. Time to part from our old single life. We are moving into a four bedroom house over near Cherrydale. It's kind of in the ghetto...but that's okay. We have LOTS of room, and a backyard, and a nice kitchen...I love it. We signed a two year lease at which time we will decide if we want to BUY the house or not. DUM DUM DUM...scary to even think about it. We both want to keep our options open. I just don't know where we will be in two years, ya know??

Anyway, it's been a crazy month. This Saturday will be the last show for "Crimes of the Heart". wow. It's been an amazing couple of weeks and I've loved the cast! It's been a dream to be back on stage again.

Dan, Will, and I will be headed to Maine July 1-10th. I'm thrilled to be going home for July 4th, visiting with my Grampy Rockwell who has just moved into a nursing home, and going to my 10 year high school reunion. When we get back I'll be unpacking boxes and then Dan is off to Atlanta on a business trip. Please pray for us...I can already feel the stress creeping up behind me.

Much love to all my readers...even though you NEVER leave comments!!...It's all good though, I know you love me. =) smooooooooooooches xoxo


Mom2boys said...

katie....Love the blog! Moving is SOOOOO much fun, Jared and I move alot too, alot has to do with him being a pastor, but moving can be fun! Will just gets cuter and cuter! Enjoy the new place!

Esther said...

Hope you have a smooth move and a great trip up here to Maine! Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Esther said...

Oops - forgot to say that this is Esther.

Katie Martin said...

xoxoxoxoxox to you both!