Monday, September 14, 2009

Coal Miners Daughter

I remember the first time I was introduced to "the coal miners daughter". I must've been 12 years old and my mother and I watched the movie with Sissy Spaseck. After I watched the movie I dove into her music and fell in love with this character. I thought of her as a character and not a real human being because I didn't know anyone that grew up like she did. She came from absolutely nothing...because of her will to sing and make music she became a living legend.

A few years ago I had the privelege of playing a role in the music review, "Honky Tonk Angels" written by a native to SC. My character's name was Darlen she was very much like Loretta. I played a coal miners daughter and sang many of Loretta's songs throughout the musical. It was an amazing adventure!

Last weekend my friend Allen and I went to see her in Spartanburg. It was more than surreal for me to see her in person....not only her, but her twin daughters, her son, and her grandaughter also performed in the show. She sang and bounced around in her chair...and even wore a sequence turquoise gown she made herself. It was magical....

Friday, September 11, 2009

Singing in the Car . . .


One of my favorite things to do is to refinish old/nasty furniture. I look for pieces that have a solid build, but maybe the kind that has been pushed into the back of the store and have a few cobb webs on it. It's the tender side of me that alot of people don't get to see. I find satisfaction in taking an ugly, old, and tattered piece of nothing make into a beautiful something. Here are some before pictures ... and then my finished look. My vision for the bedroom set was to color the furniture an off white, and then make it look old again by aging the edges. I'm pleased with it all and look forward to moving it all into my bedroom when I've finished painting that room.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

HEART. . .

I am still overwhelmed in the fact that I finally got the chance to see Ann and Nancy Wilson in concert this past weekend. I have(since I can remember) had a love for Heart. I imagined myself singing with her as a kid and would often play air guitar in honor of Nancy. When I was in my first band out of high school I sang "Barracuda" .....often. I've even broke out a few Heart songs in kareoke. ha! Here are a few pictures of the ladies I like to call my idols....Here is a pic of me and my friend Kim peeing our pants before they came out to rock for an hour and a half....This was kim's first experience with Heart and it wasn't until I freaked out when her friend offered us tickets did she realize how amazing and wonderful they are.....

The concert was wonderful. Ann hit the notes like she did when she was 24 years old. Nancy played and danced around the stage like she was born to be up there...she WAS born to be up there. I've often been to concerts before and it's been a total let down. The artists didn't sing anything like you imagined and it was disappointing. Not so much with HEART. They rocked my world...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Country Queens...and where did my Summer go?!

wow...I woke up this morning and went outside to get my Colby bear doggie poo and realized that Fall is starting to settle in. What a beautiful, cool morning! If it wasn't for Dan going to work I would've gone for a long run and listened to some soothing music on my ipod.

"Country Queens" finished this last weekend and this week I'm looking around thinking,"Where has my summer gone!!!!!???". It feels like the last time I looked around and smelled the roses was back in June...and now it's September!! The show was was the ladies I shared the stage with. What a wonderful experience. I have more stories to tell and moments of pure joy that were brought from my summer of country music! It was wonderful. There was the infamous machanical bull riding from each of the country queens.....

Always fun to be had with the Queens! Then there was dancing.....LOTS of dancing......It was an all around wonderful summer.

Did I mention singing? That was the whole point to "Country Queens"! SINGING!

Then there was the moments backstage that only the people in the show will know about. The moments when your dress comes undone and your upper body is covered in tape..only to walk out onstage being held together by a thread but you have a HUGE smile on your face and no one sitting in the audience knows that your boobs are ready to pop out of your dress and your so uncomfortable in your 4 inch heels you could cry....

But, at the end of the night it was all worth it...and you do another 14 shows to prove it!